• Panels am Weltkongress der 18. Jh. Forschung | Juli, Rotterdam

    Veröffentlicht am 6. März 2015 von marion in Blog, Team, Veranstaltungen, Vorträge.


    Vom 26. bis 31. July 2015 findet in Rotterdam der 14. Internationaler Kongress zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts statt. Das Thema lautet “Opening Markets”. Die ÖGE 18 versammelt hier Vorschläge für Panels, zu denen sich Interessierte mit einem Vortrag bitte bei den genannten Verantwortlichen melden. Weiterführende Informationen finden sich auf der Kongresswebsite: http://www.openingmarkets.eu/

    Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes haben wir zwei Panels zu den Themen: Art and Commerce: Continent Allegories in the Baroque Age (I) & The Role of the Jesuit Order (II) organisiert.


    The Panel refers to a current Research Project on “continent allegories” in Europe in the Baroque Age, 18th century. The continent allegories were a widespread iconographic instrument to represent the world and its parts in different contexts such as the court, the monastery, the village church, etc. Painting continent allegories was a well operating market on the background of the representation of the world. The panel aims to communicating the quantitative and qualitative approach as well as the networks figured out by artists, the church, the ruler, the public, a.s.o. One focus is how the world and its parts were represented iconographically, which traditions of seeing the world were behind, how did iconography of the continent allegories change in the 18th century, for instance under the influence of travel reports, discoveries (i.e. James Cook) or influent books such as Abbé Raynal.

    Participants are:

    • Chair: o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schmale, University of Vienna, Department of History
    • Presentations:
      • Dr. Josef Köstlbauer, University of Vienna, Department of History
      • Dr. Britta Kägler, LMU, Munich, Department of Bavarian History
      • MMag. Dipl.-Kffr. Marion Romberg, University of Vienna, Department of History
      • Dr. Claudio Ferlan, Trento, Italian-German Historical Institute
      • Dr. Haruka Oba, Kyoto University, Department of Western History
      • Katrin Sterba M.A., University of Innsbruck, Department of history
      • PD Dr. Christoph Nebgen, Bishopric of Mainz, Department of History of Christianity

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